Saturday, 1 July 2017

Enjoy your holidays!

For some of us holidays have just started, some of us have been enjoying them for a few weeks. Anyway, all of us waited for the opportunity to visit beautiful places, enjoy sunny weather and relax! Hope summer brings all of this to all project participants! Before the end of the school year we revised holiday vocabulary using our favourite tools to create word clouds - Tagxedo and Wordart! We like to personalize ImageChef, too:-) The beginning of holidays is also time for the coordinators to apply for National Quality Labels. Hope our cooperation is awarded with them:-) Dear friends, have wonderful time with your families and friends!

Sunday, 18 June 2017

For our dear friend!

At the end of our project we want to express our special gratitude to Nada. Due to her health problems she was not able to coordinate her students' work. But she was present in our hearts and minds while we were dealing with project tasks. If it hadn't been for her the project wouldn't have started. Dear Nada, we know eTwinning will always be a part of your life. We missed your creative ideas and wonderful style of leadership. Hope you enjoy what our students were preparing last months. We are FRIENDS4U and you are a FRIEND FOR US:-) Thanks a lot!

Saturday, 17 June 2017

Our common final product!

Our Friends4U project is almost over. Now it's time to apply for national quality labels, so using Google Drive Italian teacher together with the Polish one cooperated to create a contribution which presents our friendly cooperation and shows what we did throughout last school year. Enjoy together with us:-) Friends4U

Thursday, 15 June 2017

THANK YOU from Polish students

To finish the project Polish students worked with Tagxedo and prepared small contributions to THANK all of you in your mother tongues. Thanks once more for everything we enjoyed during our project:-)

Results of the evaluation questionnaire

Here are the results of the evaluation questionnaire. Thanks for all responses and sharing your thoughts! We are glad you enjoyed the project:-)

Saturday, 10 June 2017

Italian friends say GOOD BYE to the project

Italian group finishes school year this week. We organized eTwinning ceritifcates ceremony:-) We were really happy to be in this project!

Friday, 9 June 2017

Celebrating Friendship Day

The project is coming to an end, some partners have already started summer holidays but as Polish students still go to school we celebrated Friendship Day:-) It was a must in our project Friends4U:-) You were in our hearts today, dear friends!

Wednesday, 7 June 2017

Final meeting 2017

This was the last meeting of our eTwinning club this year. We enjoyed good company and food:-)

Friday, 2 June 2017

Students are good teachers:-)

Polish students surprise their teacher from time to time:-) Especially when they do it because of the project. Some girls like using different applications to create collages and they inspire the whole group. Kamila presents her spring impressions. Angelika went to Zakopane and wants to show this place to all project partner. She used Phototastic Collage. Enjoy the views from the south of Poland!

Friday, 26 May 2017

Evaluation of the project

Project partners finish school at different times so we prepared our evaluation questionnaire. We also worked with a very useful feedback tool - Answer Garden. Apart from that, we used Tagxedo to present some holiday ideas. Polish students were working in the IT room last time and their contributions are ready.

Polish - Italian videoconference

Finishing our friendly project we organized one more videoconference. There were some technical obstacles but we managed to overcome them and again instead of Skype we used WhattsApp. It worked and we were really happy to talk about some spring celebrations and the end of the school year. Both groups prepared some sweet surprises so the meeting was really enjoyable:-)

Thursday, 18 May 2017

Wednesday, 10 May 2017

Cooking for the project:-)

To discuss the topic of food Polish students prepared a salad today. We enjoyed making it and eating it:-) We also recorded a movie! It'll appear here soon!
And there is a contribution by Kasia. Fruit jellies

Sunday, 7 May 2017

Easter wishes from Italy

Last week we could still feel Easter atmosphere thanks to wishes from our Italian friends! Thanks for the card and a nice gift:-)

Wednesday, 3 May 2017

Visiting Mantua with Italian friends:-)

Our friends from Codogno had a school trip to Mantua. They made a presentation thanks to which we could see this interesting city, too:-)

Saturday, 29 April 2017