Saturday 29 April 2017

Thursday 27 April 2017

Publishing documents with Youblisher

Today Polish students learnt how to use Youblisher - we prepared a presentation out of our materials and turned it into a book! Youblisher is a really useful tool:-) Our heroes

Our heroes

We prepared presentations and a quiz for our friends. We also worked with Worlde and practised vocabulary.

Wednesday 26 April 2017

Jan Karski - our hero

April is devoted to the topic of our heroes. We prepared presentations about various people we admire and respect. One of them was the patron of our school - Jan Karski. Our School Patron Days are always organized during last week of April. Every year we prepare different events. This year students wrote detective stories, saw a film, prepared posters and took part in a chess tournament as Karski enjoyed playing chess.Jan Karski was was a Polish World War II resistance movement fighter and later professor at Georgetown University. He tried to stop the Holocaust but those who could have taken some steps were not able to believe him.

Wednesday 19 April 2017

Easter wishes from Ukraine

We were happy to get beautiful Easter cards from our Ukrainian partners. Thanks a lot for them:-)

Friday 14 April 2017

Some spring impressions from Ruda Śląska

We're all looking for spring. Here are some pictures from our gardens:-)

Results of "Teenagers and technology" questionnaire

Here are the results of the questionnaire we prepared to discuss the topic of our hobbies and free time activities.

Monday 3 April 2017

Open Day in Gimnazjum nr 14

On 3rd of April we invited students who finish the stage of primary school education. We presented what our school offers to them and our guests took part in Science experiments, had a virtual tour of our school, saw our interactive room and obviously learn about eTwinning projects.

Saturday 1 April 2017

Easter surprise for our friends!

Polish students prepared an Easter surprise for their friends! We decorated Easter eggs in colours of our flags! We really enjoyed this activity and hope you'll like the final result:-)

Polish - Italian on line meeting

On 28th March Italian and Polish eTwinners enjoyed their videoconference. We were supposed to meet via Skype but because it didn't work we switched to WhatsApp. Despite this problem we enjoyed the videoconference a lot! We learnt about the differences in our school systems. We all agreed that it's better in Poland because we don't have to go to school on Saturdays. However, our friends from Italy leave school earlier during weekdays;-) We also learnt some phrases in our languages. Polish students presented their Easter surprise which was warmly welcome by our Italian friends:-) We're looking forward to our next meeting!